The Fall season is upon us now and with it comes great opportunity and open doors to reach many people with the gospel of Jesus Christ through Charlie’s Lunch.
In these days of tremendous difficulty and troubles coming from so many angles, including the heart-breaking things happening in the Middle East, we stand firm, unafraid because we are not people of fear but people of FAITH! We are “His Bride,” “His children of Promise!”
As we pray for Israel and all those affected by what is happening, we know God has called us to be strong and filled with His Spirit, to take the inheritance He has given us and expand His Kingdom for His honor and glory, no matter what time we are living in. One thing seems evermore certain; Jesus is coming soon.
We want to THANK YOU, each one, for standing with us and enabling us to feed the poorest children in impoverished countries, 8 currently. Your giving and prayers for us enable us to consistently feed and teach each child and many adults as well, the Word of God.

So many receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior and over a certain amount of time, the church begins to grow and expand the Kingdom of God. The simple act of giving a lunch to a poor and hungry child or youth in the NAME of JESUS absolutely is a transforming act. There is a cause and effect in what we do daily, weekly, monthly and throughout the more than 24 years that God has given us. We press on! Since our formal startup in 1999 and in memory of our dear son, Charles Sterling Stewart, “Charlie,” we have been able to strengthen, plant and establish 90 churches to date. Over 55,000 children have passed through Charlie’s Lunch in the past 24 years. Churches have become strong, vibrant in the communities and slums we’ve had the joy of being active in. Thank you friends, thank you! May what we accomplish together through prayer, through giving and going to the nations bring a mighty harvest until Jesus comes. MARANATHA, “EVEN SO COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS” (Rev. 22:20). AMEN.